Joelle Tuerlinkcx. Musée de la Mémoire ‘PROPRIÉTÉ UNIVERSELLE’ ®
An inventory catalogue of a museum by itself
Language: French |
This artist's book, a catalogue of a museum without walls, reads like an account of a work under construction in response to a commission in a former coalfield. Joëlle Tuerlinckx guides us through the studio’s archives, and through the development of a thought process and culminates in the inventory of the M.M. collection (‘Musée de la Mémoire’ or ‘Museum of Memory’). Building on the great classic of the inventory catalogue and encompassing 'all of J.T.'s work', she presents 'a museum in itself'. While the book is originally connected to 'La Triangulaire de Cransac', a monumental work of art in the small town of Aveyron, it also puts into perspective the evolution of the museum in its relationship with the artist and the book. Joëlle Tuerlinckx reminds us that if the museum is compared to a book because of its internal organisation, then a book can be compared to a museum because of its systematics and its method of contemplating the object. Joëlle Tuerlinckx (born in 1958 in Brussels) is a Belgian artist. She defines herself as a sculptor and explores the notions of territory (places, architecture) and temporality in her work.
ISBN: 9789464002393
Designed and printed in collaboration with graphic designer
Adriaan Van Leuven
Published in 2024
Published by Valérie Cudel (Captures éditions, France)
and Bruno Devos (HOPPER&FUCHS, Belgium)
1000 copies, format: 23.5 x 29.5 cm, 584 four-colour pages
15 first editions, 7 unique Blanco 'floating page' editions
+ 56 original works accompany the book
Two cover versions have been designed, with a variant for the
introduction and colophon translated into English